3D Scanning
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Before undergoing any surgical procedure, your doctor should have the most accurate images possible to help plan your treatment. Accurate imaging can reveal potential issues ahead of time and can reduce the risk of unexpected complications during your procedure.
At YJ OMS Dental Implants & Oral Surgery, we offer Cone Beam CT scanning technology (CBCT), which creates high-quality, 3D images of your mouth and other facial structures. Our Cone Beam CT scanner can be used to diagnose and plan treatments for a variety of different conditions, including the placement of dental implants, jaw realignment, and wisdom teeth removal.
Benefits of 3D Imaging
3D imaging technology has changed the way dental problems are diagnosed and treated. This advanced technique offers many benefits to patients and doctors:
- Provides information that traditional X-rays cannot
- Exposes patients to less radiation than traditional X-rays
- Extremely accurate treatment plans, which narrows the possibility of unexpected findings during surgery
- Efficient surgical treatments
- One scan can be completed in seconds
3D Scanning in Placentia, and Huntington Beach, CA
You will likely receive the scan during your consultation appointment, and the images will be ready immediately for the surgeon to review. The Cone Beam CT scanner provides imaging at a variety of different angles to provide a complete view of your face and jaws. Next, the images are compiled into a single 3D image that can be manipulated by your oral surgeon to plan your treatment.
Experience excellent oral surgery at YJ OMS Dental Implants & Oral Surgery. Contact any of our offices to schedule an appointment with our skilled surgeons today.
Southern California’s Most Trusted Oral Surgery Specialists
Dr. Young Jun and the YJ OMS Dental Implants & Oral Surgery team have helped countless patients improve facial aesthetics, restore dental health, and recover confidence. Whether you need dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, or full-mouth reconstruction, our state-of-the-art office deploys the latest technology and techniques to ensure flawless results and fast recovery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our Placentia or Huntington Beach office and get started on your journey to a brand-new smile.