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Do I Need A Bone Graft Before Implants?

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It's safe to say that implants have revolutionized the restorative dental practice for millions of people. If you are thinking about implants, there are a few things you need to know about the dental implant procedure. One thing you may not know about dental implants is that you may need bone grafts before you undergo the implant procedure.

About Dental Implants

Dental implants consist of a titanium screw with a prosthetic tooth cap made of porcelain. While many people think that you can get a porcelain implant right away, the actual dental implant procedure can take some time. A dentist will look at your empty tooth socket to see if you can have implants without a bone graft or not. A bone graft is used to build up the bone in your tooth socket and jaw to prepare for an implant.

To do a bone graft, the dentist will choose bone from your own body, or bone from a donor. Sometimes, an animal bone will be used. The dentist selects a section of bone, and places it into your jaw. Then you'll get a piece of membrane that closes over the bone graft and keeps it in place. Once the bone graft heals, your body will take over, and continue to grow bone around the implant. Your jaw will then be able to support an implant.

To get an implant done, after the bone graft has fully healed, the dentist will then implant a titanium screw into the bone implant. Once that titanium screw portion of the implant as healed, you'll be able to receive your prosthetic tooth. The prosthetic tooth will look and feel just like your real tooth. You'll be able to return to eating and drinking whatever you want. What happens if you want more than one implant? No worries. You can have one tooth implanted, several teeth implanted, or you can have an entire upper or lower jaw of implanted teeth.