If your child is born when the roof of the mouth has an opening, it is known as a cleft palate. A child with such a condition will have difficulty speaking and eating food. The palate must be sealed through surgery for your child to have a normal life.
Children born with cleft palate will have problem sucking. They are also at risk of hearing loss and middle ear fluid development. If the cleft reaches the upper gum developing primary teeth can also be an issue. These children will also face behavioral and social problems due to their appearance. Thus, medical health workers recommend cleft palate surgery as the best treatment remedy. How effective is the surgery?
Cleft Palate Surgery
To repair a cleft palate, a surgery known as palatoplasty is performed. The surgery is performed when your child is 10-12 months old. The surgery aims at closing the gap between the mouth and nose. It creates a patent palate that allows proper speech. Also, it helps prevent liquid and food from leaking out of the child's nose. The procedure takes 2 hours to complete and is usually performed under general anesthetic. The recovery period is around 3-4 weeks. During this period, the child must put on padded arm splints to avoid injuring the surgical site so as not to delay the recovery period. Feed your child soft foods using a spoon during the recovery period.
The outcome of the Palate Repair Surgery
An oral surgeon closes the cleft in subsequent layers. Next, they repair and rearrange the child's soft palate muscles so they can talk properly. Two incisions are made on the side of each palate to minimize tension after the repair.
Most children with cleft palate are treated professionally with no associated problems. Each surgery is tailored according to the needs of the child.