Oral surgery is the procedure of extracting wisdom teeth. The extraction of wisdom teeth is among the most common surgeries in oral surgery. Moreover, this surgery occurs in those patients who have presented infections, repeated discomfort during the eruption, orthodontic conditions, and caries caused by tooth decay.
However, many patients argue about if the procedure is painful or not. Most oral surgeries are painless, although occurrences of minimal levels of pain happen during the healing process. However, while undergoing surgery, the patient will feel no pain or any discomfort because:
Oral Surgeons use Dental Anesthesia during surgery
Oral surgeons extract wisdom teeth under general or local anesthesia, depending on the general condition, the patient's age, and the surgery's complexity.
In general, surgeons extract most wisdom teeth under local anesthesia. To do this, the surgeon will puncture various parts of the mouth and administer the local anesthetic to achieve insensitivity in the surgical area. The duration of anesthesia in the area is approximately 3-4 hours.
General anesthesia is necessary, generally in the operating room and hospital environment. The drugs are administered through a venous line that a patient will have in one of his arms, connected to a serum.
Also, dentists administer anesthesia through a mask on the patient's face. The surgeon instructs the patient to breathe normally so the anesthetic can enter the body through the respiratory tract.
Throughout the surgery, the surgeon monitors the patient's vital signs, pulse, blood pressure, oxygenation, and level of anesthesia. Unlike other major surgeries, intubation is usually through the nose.
In general, using dental anesthetics keeps the patient calm and at ease with no discomfort, thus allowing the oral surgeons to perform painless surgery. However, the surgeon should recommend dental instructions to the patient to ease the pain caused by swellings after the surgery.