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This is how long it takes to recover from a root canal

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A root canal is a procedure that repairs badly damaged teeth instead of extracting them. This procedure involves cleaning the roots of the teeth and the infection at the center of the tooth. It is also known as endodontics. After the procedure is carried out, you may experience mild recovery pain that can be treated using antibiotics. Some of the things you should know about a root canal procedure are explained below.

How long it takes to recover

Healing from an endodontic procedure is fast and short. You are expected to experience some swelling around the tooth and sensitivity while chewing, however, if you follow the right post-surgery procedures you are supposed to be back to normal functioning in less than a week. It is advisable to avoid chewing on the treated tooth until it is restored fully. Pain reduction is a gradual procedure that patients should expect. If you take antibiotics, it is crucial to complete the dose to ensure complete treatment of underlying infections takes place.

Tips for faster healing

Whatever you do will facilitate or increase the amount of time it takes to heal. However, some tips that may help in the healing process include taking pain medication that is prescribed by the dentist. Also, favor that side of the mouth that has undergone the procedure by not chewing with it for a few days to fasten recovery. You are also advised to go back to your dentist for full dental restoration after the procedure has healed. In addition to that, you are to avoid anything that might cause inflammation. Things like spicy foods and alcohol should be avoided. If the pain persists past a week, do not hesitate to call our office and book an appointment.