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Ways of Making Brushing and Flossing More Fun for Kids

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Do your children sometimes struggle with the idea of brushing and flossing? Many children do. It is just too much fun to keep playing, or they are running late for the school bus! Instead of rolling your eyes at their excuses, try making the activities more fun. The more fun you can put with a boring task, the less likely your child is to scoff it off and ignore it.

Make Creative Deals with Your Child

Many parents try to make deals with their children, and many of them work. Pick an activity that your child loves to do with you. If they brush twice daily and floss once daily for one week, you two will do that activity for part of a day when you both have time off. On the other hand, it could be something like they get to pick the next book you two read, movie you watch together, or dinner you two prepare together that you use as the reward.

Consider the Benefits of an App

While there is almost literally an app for everything, in this case, that actually rings true. There are plenty of fun brushing apps you can get on your phone to help them remember to brush and floss like clockwork. Turn the app on, watch them enjoy, and let the fun come out on its own.

Games Can Make the Mundane More Interesting

When kids do not want to brush or floss, sometimes a game is all they need. Dress up like a dentist and talk to them about their teeth. Make a silly game where you create bacteria on a fake set of teeth. Talk about what happens with silly puppet voices. Let your kids have fun with it!
Need more ideas? Then call our office. Kids are our specialty, so we know how to help. Just let us know what the struggles are you currently have, and we will give you ideas we have used or heard from other parents just like you.