Postoperative Instructions: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Patients taking pain medications or other drugs that may slow reflexes should not operate machinery, cars, etc. while taking these drugs. Antibiotics should be taken as directed until the prescription runs out. Report any unusual reactions to medications.
- Bleeding—Bleeding is normal for the first 24 hours. However, bleeding may occur on and off for 72 hours. Apply pressure over the surgery area. PRESSURE STOPS the bleeding. Please call the office if you have any questions.
- Pain—take pain medication if you are experiencing pain.
- Swelling—Apply an ice bag around the area of surgery for periods of 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for the first 72 hours. After 72 hours, warm applications can be used at the same time intervals. Swelling is not uncommon after surgery. It usually peaks after 48-72 hours and may last several days. Discoloration of the skin around the face and neck may occur within 10 days following surgery and should not cause alarm.
- Mouth Rinse—Do not rinse the mouth within 24 hours after surgery. After this time, use 1/4 teaspoon of table salt in a glass of warm water and rinse gently after meals for about 14 days.
- Diet—Soft diet for 7 days while you are on antibiotics. Soft food is anything you may cut with a plastic spoon. EXAMPLES: Fish, noodles, pasta avocado, bananas. After a week, use the syringe to irrigate and rinse the LOWER wisdom teeth area. You may need to irrigate for the next 4-6 weeks. If you have a hard time irrigating, call the office and we will instruct you in person.
- HYGIENE—Keep oral hygiene optimal. Please brush. Do not spit or rinse vigorously.
- FEVER—A low-grade fever for the first 3 days may occur following surgery and should not cause alarm.
- ACTIVITIES—No (4 S’s) for 3 days. No Smoking, No Strenuous activities (running or lifting), No Spitting forcefully (you can brush and spit gently), and No Straws.
- In Case of An Unusual Symptom—Call the office promptly. When calling after hours, please allow for the answering service to pick up your call. Please keep your phone lines free for a return call.