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Can I Get My Teeth Whiter?

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When a baby first begins to cut its teeth, they emerge from its pink gums white and smooth. However, as adults grow and teeth age, they lose their shiny, white exteriors. It can be hard to keep teeth white and clean because there are so many foods and beverages that act to stain teeth. If you want a brighter smile, here are some suggestions for you.

Whitening Teeth

First, if you want whiter teeth naturally, you should know that your teeth will stay whiter if you avoid caffeine and tobacco. Also, there are some fruits and vegetables, such as berries, that may stain your teeth as well.

You can also get whitening products to help whiten your teeth naturally. Brushing your teeth with baking soda is a great way to whiten your teeth over time. Also, look for toothpaste and mouthwash to help with teeth whitening.

There are also products specifically formulated to help whiten teeth, such as teeth whitening strips. These strips help whiten your teeth a couple of shades within a few weeks. If you are looking to improve your smile over time, and you only need to improve it a few shades, whitening strips might help.

However, if you want to whiten your smile dramatically over time, you may want to see a dentist. Dentists have methods to whiten your teeth with one or two office visits. Many dentists use teeth whitening trays, which use peroxide to whiten teeth. Other dentists use lasers and gel to whiten teeth. If you want your teeth white quickly, visiting a dentist will help you get your smile dazzling white in no time.

What if you are suffering from teeth that are very discolored due to tobacco or medication? If you don't think you could ever get your teeth white enough, you may want to look into veneers. Veneers fit over your natural teeth and give you a brilliant smile immediately. Not sure which option is right for you? A dentist could consult with you to give you your options.