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The More Unusual Symptoms of TMD

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TMD, also abbreviated TMJ, refers to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. This is a condition that involves the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. This joint allows for talking, eating as well as movement of the mandible from side to side.

This complexity makes it hard to fully understand all the causes that could lead to the disorder. TMD is more common in women than men, but in in all cases treatable by certified doctors.

What causes Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

The causes of this disorder span across a wide range of possibilities. The main ones include arthritis related complications and autoimmune diseases. Lack of sleep as well as grinding and clenching your teeth too hard during sleep could bring about similar results. Accidents are also a huge contributor of TMJ disorders. Other causes include jaw infections and effects of dental surgery on occasion. All these can be determined by a visit to the dentist.

What Are The Usual And Unusual Symptoms To Note?

Of the regular symptoms, jaw pains are the first indicator that your joint might be experiencing a disorder. This is followed by consistent headaches, clicking sounds when opening your mouth, pain in the ears and a weakening sense of hearing. Some patients complain of sore facial muscles, migraines and pain in the neck.

Some unusual signs include numb fingers, inflammation of the cheeks and jaw, as well as very loud click sounds. The sounds come from the joint just below the ears. The jaw entirely dislocating without any pain caused is another unusual sign. Patients with this disorder also report painful shoulder blades.

The symptoms vary from one patient to another. However, it is advisable to seek proper guidance from a dentist after examination. Call us today at our office and schedule an appointment. We'll be more than happy to assist you.

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